I've been a bit reluctant to write about my WoW experiences for fear that they would be criticized or labeled as QQ postings. I've read enough forum postings now that I can easily say "Fuck you!" Luckily, I don't have to worry about being banned by a forum moderator. Sweet. With that in mind... let's begin.
I've been playing a rogue now for about 2-3 years. It is one of those classes that polarizes other players especially in pvp. Since the game has changed a lot over that time let's just fast forward to today. I fucking love my rogue. I just hit level 80 about a week ago. I'm already running heroics and 10 mans. I really don't think rogues are as complicated as Blizzard makes them out to be, rather should be. Think about it... someone hitting you with a fucking sword shouldn't really be that complicated. Let's factor in hit rating, armor penetration, poison hit rating, special attack hit rating, haste, expertise, weapon speed, agility, critical strike rating, attack power, target armor value, target level, etc. etc... It's too much. I just want to sneak up on someone and poke, stab, stab till they die.
The game is definitely different now. Gone are the days of maxxing out hit rating to 100% when every attack landed. No more T6 rogues mopping the floor in dps charts over ret pallies and boomkins (these specs almost became extinct). The slate has been wiped clean. Every rogue tree is now pve viable at least until the next patch comes out. In the beta, mutilate was the top dps spec marginally beating out combat swords. Just the other day I saw a WWS report that put a sub rogue over 6.1k dps!!! Seriously, wtf?! Which leads us to... what the hell am I doing?
I spec'd mutilate upon reaching level 80. The burst damage is phenomenal when crits are involved. Rogues still lack a reliable AoE. The problem that I'm finding is that I am forced to stay on a single target to look good on the charts. I'm running about 1.5k dps right now in purples, blues, and greens. When I move around to multiple targets my dps drops down as low as 900dps. Switching targets as mut is so fucking combo point inefficient. A big chunk of my damage comes from Mut crits and Rupture dots. White damage has been reduced by a chunk. I remember my white damage being over 75% of my total damage. It's now probably around 60%. Regardless, my concern is that mut rogues really don't have the ability to multi-target very well. Fan of Knives is great but the 10sec cd kinda stinks. Switching between 2 or more targets can be the absolute downfall. I don't think spamming FoK is the answer for dps meters but it certainly will help killing those trivial mobs that can burden a healer.
I've been playing a rogue now for about 2-3 years. It is one of those classes that polarizes other players especially in pvp. Since the game has changed a lot over that time let's just fast forward to today. I fucking love my rogue. I just hit level 80 about a week ago. I'm already running heroics and 10 mans. I really don't think rogues are as complicated as Blizzard makes them out to be, rather should be. Think about it... someone hitting you with a fucking sword shouldn't really be that complicated. Let's factor in hit rating, armor penetration, poison hit rating, special attack hit rating, haste, expertise, weapon speed, agility, critical strike rating, attack power, target armor value, target level, etc. etc... It's too much. I just want to sneak up on someone and poke, stab, stab till they die.
The game is definitely different now. Gone are the days of maxxing out hit rating to 100% when every attack landed. No more T6 rogues mopping the floor in dps charts over ret pallies and boomkins (these specs almost became extinct). The slate has been wiped clean. Every rogue tree is now pve viable at least until the next patch comes out. In the beta, mutilate was the top dps spec marginally beating out combat swords. Just the other day I saw a WWS report that put a sub rogue over 6.1k dps!!! Seriously, wtf?! Which leads us to... what the hell am I doing?
I spec'd mutilate upon reaching level 80. The burst damage is phenomenal when crits are involved. Rogues still lack a reliable AoE. The problem that I'm finding is that I am forced to stay on a single target to look good on the charts. I'm running about 1.5k dps right now in purples, blues, and greens. When I move around to multiple targets my dps drops down as low as 900dps. Switching targets as mut is so fucking combo point inefficient. A big chunk of my damage comes from Mut crits and Rupture dots. White damage has been reduced by a chunk. I remember my white damage being over 75% of my total damage. It's now probably around 60%. Regardless, my concern is that mut rogues really don't have the ability to multi-target very well. Fan of Knives is great but the 10sec cd kinda stinks. Switching between 2 or more targets can be the absolute downfall. I don't think spamming FoK is the answer for dps meters but it certainly will help killing those trivial mobs that can burden a healer.
Maybe I'm just jealous that the instances are an AoE-fest that don't require much skill and I chose a non-AoE class.... maybe I believe in a world free of tyranny. Nah, basically, I just have to learn to play with a new spec. I just feel sorry for those poor souls on the dps meter below me. Can I go back to writing about women now?
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